Blog Three

On the New York Times, I found an interesting article called "How Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez Won the Cohen Hearing" an opinion piece on the Michael Cohen hearing. Written by Caroline Fredrickson, her credibility is valid "As someone who has worked on the Hill and as a nonprofit advocate." The intended audience would be Americans and mainly Democrats whose side with Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and Mr. Cohen because he is coming out with some much-needed truth and answers. Their argument on why Ms. Ocasio-Cortez won the hearing is because she asked a series of very specific questions and "was establishing factual basis for further committee investigation." Other colleagues choose to make a speech and just followed suit, Ms. Ocasio-Cortez got straight to the point with well thought out questions and concerns. Even "In just five minutes, Ms. Ocasio-Cortex actually helped him lay out the facts to substantiate those charges." Mr. Cohen admits to numerous ethical breaches and criminal acts from the president such as "illegal campaign payoffs, rigging of electoral polls, threatening people who had crossed the president, possible witness tampering, and even falsifying financial records." While most representatives chose to ramble on and distract the main issue Ms. Ocasio-Cortez stuck to her prosector ways and did a great job of interrogating Mr. Cohen. I agree with this article and how it showed Ms. Ocasio-Cortez's hard work and how she "won" the hearing. Also with her impact of being a woman and very vocal on important issues. This hearing is important and will be in the future as well as representatives on Ms. Ocasio-Cortez side were Katie Hill and Jackie Speier also women.


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